On the eve of the Independence Day, Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb has launched SWAAGAT e-portal, an initiative started under ease of doing business, at Secretariat, Agartala on Friday. The single window portal will enable the business enthusiasts to apply for industry setup without hassle.
After launching the portal, the Chief Minister said his government is taking several initiatives for self employment so that the state can achieve ‘Atmanirbhar’ Tripura goal.
Speaking to media, the chief Minister said self employment paves the way for financial growth of any state. Keeping this in mind, the state government has already taken multiple initiatives and as a result, the state saw a considerable rise in the number of entrepreneurs and industrial units.
Meanwhile, the initiatives taken by the government visibly brought a huge change in the mindset of youth—the youth are now also showing more interests to become self reliant instead of wasting their time for government jobs.
In the launching ceremony, TIDC Chairman Tinku Roy and officials of the Industries and Commerce department were present.
A press release said, the e-portal has been developed to ensure speedy and hassle free clearance to investors in a transparent manner and to comply with the reform measures.
The portal www.swaagat.tripura.gov.in will provide 52 services at present covering 16 Departments/Organizations.
According to the press release, the portal will cater the Industrial fraternity with the primary objective to simplify the processes and accelerate investment in the State in tune with Make in India initiative and Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and also increase in Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) ranking of the state which will in turn ensure economic development and employment generation in the state.
Meanwhile, the portal included various features like online submission of application through Combined Application Form (CAF) generated online by attaching the relevant enclosures, certificates, attachments etc., online payment merging all fees into a single transaction through Combined Application Form (CAF) to respective Government agencies for processing, sending out alert through SMS and email, online approval, tracking of real time status of application and delivery of services, rationalization of inspections through an online Central Inspection System. Thus, the applicant will not have any physical touch point with the related Departments/Organizations for getting issued any clearance/NOC/licenses etc.