Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb on Tuesday called upon the Asian Development Bank to come forward for strengthening the growth in the state government’s priority sectors.
During his meeting with a team of ADB headquarters at the civil secretariat, Deb said, his government is working with a priority on healthcare, education, industry, tourism, communication, agriculture and infrastructure development.
While thanking the ADB officials for identifying Tripura for strategic partnership, the Chief Minister also stressed on timely completion of ADB-funded projects in the state.
Deb also sought cooperation from the Asian Development Bank for making Tripura free from anaemia, malnutrition, AIDS and drugs.
He advised the ADB officials for focusing on building and road constructions in the state during winter season. He also called upon the ADB to come forward and strengthen the communication for increasing business opportunities between Tripura and Bangladesh.
In a Facebook post, the Chief Minister said, “The Asian Development Bank has identified #Tripura for strategic partnership. It will further boost the developmental projects in the state & we shall make Tripura a model state as envisioned by Hon PM Shri Narendra Modi Ji.”
Taking part in the meeting, ADB’s executive director Sameer Kumar Khare held threadbare discussions on the plans taken by the ADB for Tripura for next four years in infrastructure development, healthcare, education, industry, agriculture, tourism, power, road infrastructure and social sectors.
Deputy Chief Minister Jishnu Dev Verma, Chief Secretary Kumar Alok and other bureaucrats of various departments were present in the meeting.
Meanwhile, the officials of Asian Development Bank paid a visit to a project site of Agartala Smart City Limited (AGCL) in Agartala on Tuesday. (Courtesy: Tripura Times)